Re: [eclipse-clp-users] REPL

From: <mskala_at_...206...>
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 21:35:59 -0500 (CDT)
On Thu, 8 Aug 2013, Volkan Unsal wrote:
> Sorry, I mean the command line interface. 
> Do you use an IDE to write your Eclipse programs?

No, I write them in a text editor and load them from the command line.  I
find the lack of readline support in ECLiPSe really annoying.  Is that
your issue?  I use SWI too, but also from the command line, and the
lack of readline in ECLiPSe is the only significant difference I've
noticed between the two.
Matthew Skala
mskala_at_...206...                 People before principles.
Received on Fri Aug 09 2013 - 02:36:07 CEST

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