Re: [eclipse-clp-users] Using SBDS with Gecode

From: Kish Shen <kisshen_at_...5...>
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 18:43:04 +0100
Hi Sergii,

This looks to be a problem of how ECLiPSe is built from scratch,
and the current building order means that gfd_search is not compiled 
correctly (such that things like sbds_module is not correctly 
transformed into the gfd specific code).

What this means is that gfd_search and probably gfd_sbds are not built 
correctly in the distribution.

Thanks for reporting this bug. I will look into how best to fix 
it...(ideally such order dependencies should not exist)



On 28/06/2013 04:11, Sergii Dymchenko wrote:
> Hi,
> SBDS works for me with ic library, but not with gfd.
> I have:
> :- lib(gfd).
> :- lib(gfd_search).
> :- lib(gfd_sbds).
> ...
> sbds_initialise(Matrix, Syms, #=, []),
> gfd_search:search(Qs, 0, most_constrained, indomain_median, sbds, []).
> And I get "lookup module does not exist in sbds_module :
> is_sbds_var(_388867{sbds : sbds(1), gfd : [1 .. 1000]}) in module
> gfd_search".
> Version 6.1development #160 (x86_64_linux), Sun Jun 16 02:06 2013
> Is this a bug or I use it wrong?
> Sergii.
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