Re: [eclipse-clp-users] Why the minimize is halting in each solution?

From: Claudio Cesar de Sá <claudio.sa_at_...347...>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 11:32:06 -0300

Thanks your solution, surely it is simpler and shorter, but in my
solution in predicate  member(X_var , [list the templates = option])
should be works like:
?- member(X, [[1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1]]).
X = [1, 1, 0]
Yes (0.00s cpu, solution 1, maybe more)
X = [0, 1, 1]
Yes (0.01s cpu, solution 2)

where each solution is a branch in the tree search.
These are choices points for the search.

Why is it not working as expected?



2013/6/21 Sergii Dymchenko <kit1980_at_...6...>

> Hi,
> In your model your should not have any predicates like `member`, only
> constraints. Basically, your model should not leave any Prolog choice
> points.
> And your program can be much much simpler and shorter. My attempt:
> :- lib(ic).
> :- lib(branch_and_bound).
> model(SizeWindow, Vs, Xs, Total) :-
>     length(Vs, N),
>     dim(Xs, [N]),
>     Xs :: 0..1,
>     [Begin, End] :: 1..N,
>     End - Begin #= SizeWindow,
>     ( foreacharg(Xi, Xs, I), param(Begin, End) do
>         Yes #= (I #>= Begin and I #=< End),
>         #=(Xi, 1, Yes) ),
>     array_list(Xs, Xslist),
>     Total #= Vs * Xslist.
> find(Xs, Total) :-
>     Cost #= -Total,
>     minimize(search(Xs, 0, first_fail, indomain, complete, []), Cost).
> go :-
>     Vs = [60, 60, 60, 25, 30, 47, 65, 55, 71, 95],
>     model(5, Vs, Xs, Total),
>     find(Xs, Total),
>     writeln([Xs, Total]).
> Sergii,
> On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 11:50 AM, Claudio Cesar de Sá <claudio.sa_at_...362...7...
> > wrote:
>> Hi
>> The program attached select a contiguous set of the values in an array.
>> This contiguous values
>> in array is like a window or frame over this array. I am doing this find
>> the maximal of this subset in
>> a array.
>> The program is woking fine .... but it is halting for one solution per
>> time.
>> The minimize predicate should be exploring all the possibilities ...
>> trying to minimize a cost function.
>> Why the branch-bound is not working?
>> To run it, press go.
>> Thanks in advance and excuse for the code comments in Portugese
>> --
>> Obrigado
>> claudio
>>     (
>>     ))
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