Re: [eclipse-clp-users] flatten_array/2 deprecated?

From: Joachim Schimpf <jschimpf_at_...311...>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 11:07:26 +0100
On 20/06/2013 23:02, Sergii Dymchenko wrote:
> Hi,
> I've noticed that now flatten_array/2 is deprecated.
> I use it often, but really just to convert a 1-d array to a list.
> That is the recommended way to do it?
> `flatten_array(Array, List)` is so concise.

Hi Sergii,

I also noticed that flatten_array/2 is used in quite a lot of code,
including examples and contributed libraries, so I've now removed
this deprecation warning again, starting version 6.1#160.

The motivation to deprecate it was mainly the ambiguity in treating
occurrences of [] inside the array (empty array or normal element?).
Note that there are a few new built-in predicates with cleaner design:

Received on Fri Jun 21 2013 - 10:07:35 CEST

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