Re: [eclipse-clp-users] Making a predicate asserted into a dynamic module visible

From: Paulo Moura <pmoura_at_...342...>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 00:06:12 +0100
Hi Joachim,

On 23/10/2012, at 23:57, Joachim Schimpf <jschimpf_at_...311...> wrote:

> On 24/10/2012 00:16, Paulo Moura wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm running an experiment where I create a module at runtime (with create_module/3), assert
>> clauses into it, but cannot call the asserted predicates (using :/2). Inspecting the module, it
>> seams that the visibility for asserted predicates is local. Am I missing something obvious?
> :/2 can only call exported predicates, so that's consistent.
> Use either call(...)_at_m or export the predicate:
> ?- create_module(m).
> Yes (0.00s cpu)
> ?- assert(foo(99)) _at_ m.
> Yes (0.00s cpu)
> ?- call(foo(X)) _at_ m.
> X = 99
> Yes (0.00s cpu)
> ?- m : foo(X).
> calling an undefined procedure m : foo(X) in module eclipse
> Abort
> ?- (export foo / 1) _at_ m.
> Yes (0.00s cpu)
> ?- m : foo(X).
> X = 99
> Yes (0.00s cpu)

I can reproduce the results above but:

Version 6.1development #125 (x86_64_macosx), Tue Oct  9 17:16 2012
[eclipse 28]: create_module(n, [], []).

Yes (0.00s cpu)
[eclipse 29]: assert(bar(99)) _at_ n.

Yes (0.00s cpu)
[eclipse 30]: call(bar(X)) _at_ n.
calling an undefined procedure true in module n

From the manual:

   create_module(Module) :-
       create_module(Module, [], eclipse_language).

Thus, it seems my mistake was to omit the "eclipse_language" in the imports argument.

Thanks for your help. Cheers,


Paulo Moura
Logtalk developer

Email: <mailto:pmoura_at_...342...>
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Received on Tue Oct 23 2012 - 23:06:23 CEST

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