[eclipse-clp-users] ECLiPSe 6.0#197 with COIN on OS X 10.8

From: David Dreisigmeyer <dwdreisigmeyer_at_...6...>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 09:26:32 -0400
I've managed to get ECLiPSe to compile on OS X 10.8.  I have coin 1.3.1
from here:


installed in thirdparty/coin1.3/x86_64_macosx.  It seems to be detected
fine when I run:

./configure --prefix=/some/prefix --with-osi=1.3

The libgmp.dylib (5.0.5) that comes with OS X appears to be detected and
used during compilation.

After the the executable eclipse is made we have make_flexlm which appears
to run correctly.  Then make_icparc_solvers comes next which ends with the

make[1]: *** No rule to make target: `x86_64_macosx/seosi1.3.dylib', needed
by `/some/path/here/seosi1.3.dylib'.  Stop.
make: *** [make_icparc_solvers] Error 2



*Go Blue!*
Received on Mon Oct 22 2012 - 13:26:43 CEST

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