Re: [eclipse-clp-users] Using sets ... generating two sets

From: Sergey Dymchenko <kit1980_at_...6...>
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2011 22:12:42 +0200

I don't get the error you mentioned with your program.

I get a lot of "Ambiguous import" warnings (you should fix this), and then:
[eclipse 1]: go.
l:[61, 66, 63, 69]
dom:[61, 63, 66, 69]
calling an undefined procedure find_2_others(4, _183, _184) in module eclipse

On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 9:58 AM, Claudio Cesar de Sá
<claudio_at_...222...> wrote:
> Hi
> Please ... what is my mistake in this trivial example with sets:
> %%:-lib(ic).
> %%:-lib(branch_and_bound).
> :-lib(fd).
> :-lib(fd_sets).
> %% data
> veloc(1,[61,66,63,69]).
> veloc(4,[12,122,18,1,9,7]).
> go :-
> veloc(1,L1), model(L1),
> veloc(4,L4), model(L4).
> model(L) :-
> length(L,N), writeln( n: N), writeln( l: L),
> sort(L, Dominio),
> writeln( dom: Dominio),
> find_2_others(N, N1, N2),
> writeln( n1: N1) ,
> writeln( n2: N2) ,
> write('xxxxxxxx is it correct this definition?'),
>   L1 :: [ ] .. Dominio,
>   L2 :: [ ] .. Dominio,
>   L3 :: [ ] .. Dominio,
> #(L1, N1),
> #(L2, N2),
> #(L3, N),
> union(L1, L2, L3),
> label_sets([L1, L2]).
> The error is:
> undefined arithmetic expression in _472 is [] in module fd_domain
> --
> claudio
>     (
>     ))
>    |""|-.
>    |__|-'
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