[eclipse-clp-users] Problem with reified constraints in Eclipse

From: hossein reisi <hossein.reisi_at_...6...>
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2011 15:37:05 +0430
Hello to everybody,
I try to write a model for job shop scheduling problem  (JSSP).
I model the first constraints for start time and end time and execute tasks
in order.
but I can not write constraint for resource. I have some trouble with
reifiy. a part of my model is :

%Test Reification for need to
        term_variables(B1 , B1Var),
        B1Var :: 0..1,
        (for(I,1,MaxTime),param(S,NTasks,B1) do
            (for(T,1,NTasks),param(I,S,B1) do
when run the model , in runtime error on line #=<(S[T],I,B1[I,T])
How can use reify operator with array B1?

Received on Wed Jun 01 2011 - 11:07:12 CEST

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