Re: [eclipse-clp-users] OutOfProcessEclipse and Linux

From: Christian Wirth <tyrion_at_...215...>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 19:40:16 +0200
I did unpack the lib file on a windows machine and copied the directory 
to the linux machine via SCP.
But executing RUNME afterwards did not help.

cheers Christian

Am 29.06.2010 17:57, schrieb Kish Shen:
> Christian Wirth wrote:
>> In fact, it was a trivial error, but hard to find if u are not 
>> familiar with linux, hence here is the solution if someone is going 
>> to have the same problem in the future:
>> It is requiered to set the eclipse clp dir (not only bin, but also 
>> lib subdir) to full access right (CHMOD).
>> in 
> You don't need "full access" right, because you don't need write 
> permission. Which files/directories had the wrong permissions?
> RUNME should set the right permissions for the files/directories it 
> create, and the files/directories in lib should have the right 
> permissions when you untar the tarball -- I don't know if these 
> permissions can be overridden by some local conditions.
> Cheers,
> Kish
Received on Wed Jun 30 2010 - 17:40:05 CEST

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