Re: [eclipse-clp-users] Combining lib(cardinal) and lib(fd)

From: Philipp Marcus <marcus_at_...247...>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 13:04:51 +0200

thanks for your reply. That's clear to me, but I need to propagate the 
constraints on N in order to run a branch and bound search later on.  Is 
there a way to propagate the member constraint from my example to the 
cardinal set N? My example is only an excerpt from my problem as the 
problem is too large to post it here.

Best regards,

Am 19.04.2010 12:19, schrieb Henriette Slogsnat:
> Hi Philipp,
> if you include
>     set_labeling(N)
> in the end, it doesn't delay any goals but gives you the two solutions 
> you want.
> Best,
> Henriette
> Am 19.04.2010 10:49 Uhr schrieb "Philipp Marcus" unter 
> <marcus_at_...247...>:
>     Hi,
>     I want to write a constraint like this (using propia, cardinal and
>     fd):
>         N `:: [] + [ ["B","F"], ["S"], ["S","F"] ]:[1],
>         A in N,
>         member("S",A) infers most
>     i.e. the set N can be either ["B","F"], ["S"] or ["S","F"] but by
>     using the constraint -- member("S",A) infers most -- I want to
>     exclude ["B","F"] from the domain of N.
>     But this doesn't work the way I've posted it here. ECLiPSe writes
>     out the following:
>         ?- N `:: []+[["B", "F"], ["S"], ["S", "F"]]:[1], A in N,
>         member("S", A) infers most.
>         N = N{cardinal([[]:0, [["B", "F"], ["S"], ["S", "F"]]:3], 1,
>         _722, _723, _724, ['SUSP-_892-susp'], [], [], [])}
>         A = [_1083{_1088}|_1065{_1070}]
>         There are 3 delayed goals.
>         Yes (0.00s cpu)
>     I would be really happy if somebody could help me with this problem.
>     Best regards,
>     Philipp
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Received on Mon Apr 19 2010 - 11:04:59 CEST

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