[eclipse-clp-users] Get information from query

From: <soei85_at_...231...>
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2010 18:31:09 +0100 (CET)
 Hi, my ask is this : 
If i have as result of query in java this : 
[com.parctechnologies.eclipse.CompoundTermImpl with [functor=ricovero arity=2 arg(1)=2341 arg(2)=9], com.parctechnologies.eclipse.CompoundTermImpl with [functor=spostaInParallela arity=7 arg(1)=2341 arg(2)=3111 arg(3)=11 arg(4)=106 arg(5)=108 arg(6)=107 arg(7)=111], com.parctechnologies.eclipse.CompoundTermImpl with [functor=spostaInParallela arity=7 arg(1)=2341 arg(2)=3111 arg(3)=14 arg(4)=112 arg(5)=120 arg(6)=118 arg(7)=130]]
how can i get every information?For example..how can i get information on "ricovero" ?
Thanks for reply. 
Received on Sat Mar 27 2010 - 17:31:15 CET

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