Re: [eclipse-clp-users] A complex Problem

From: Christian Wirth <tyrion_at_...215...>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 14:27:48 +0100
Several reasons:

"a move" must not exactly describe the complete move ... as example u 
can have a move move(1,1,1,3) but u do not know what kind of piece are 
in position 1,1 is so that may change the effect
additionally also a complete move can have several effects like piece is 
now in position 1,3, position 1,1 now empty and position 1,2 empty if 
there was a piece bevor.

Joachim Schimpf schrieb:
> Christian Wirth wrote:
>> This Problem does not exist in every game, only in the more complex
>> ones, but i will try
>> to shorten the problem as good as possible.
>> The gamedescription is written in gdl and is parsed within prolog into
>> prolog clauses. (gdl file attached)
>> My call looks now like this:
>> getunboundmove(Player,Move,Term,State),bagof(Effect,(d_next(Effect,[does(Player,Move)]-State)),Effects).
> Why can you have several effects of a move?
Received on Thu Feb 11 2010 - 13:28:00 CET

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