[eclipse-clp-users] Visualizing delayed goals as 2D spatial regions in Java

From: -dp- <david_at_...151...>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 09:19:05 +0800
One version of my delayed goals looks like this (where BIN stands for
apparently opaque binary content):

prop_ic_con(ic_con(BIN, 1, BIN, BIN, [](_2355{-1.4142135623731 ..
1.4142135623731}, ExpectedYPos{27.5857864376269 .. 30.4142135623731}),
  binop_function(pow_int, _2355{-1.4142135623731 .. 1.4142135623731}, 2.0,
_2445{0.0 .. 2.0}, 'SUSP-_2459-susp')
  rpow(_2445{0.0 .. 2.0}, 2, 0.5, 0.5, _2355{-1.4142135623731 ..
1.4142135623731}, 'SUSP-_2523-susp')

prop_ic_con(ic_con(BIN, 1, BIN, BIN, [](_2771{-1.4142135623731 ..
1.4142135623731}, ExpectedXPos{42.5857864376269 .. 45.4142135623731}),
  binop_function(pow_int, _2771{-1.4142135623731 .. 1.4142135623731}, 2.0,
_2861{0.0 .. 2.0}, 'SUSP-_2875-susp')
  rpow(_2861{0.0 .. 2.0}, 2, 0.5, 0.5, _2771{-1.4142135623731 ..
1.4142135623731}, 'SUSP-_2939-susp')

prop_ic_con(ic_con(BIN, 1, BIN, BIN, [](_2445{0.0 .. 2.0}, _2861{0.0 ..
2.0}), 'SUSP-_3015-susp'))

If I coded it right, this should represent a circle of real-valued points
centered at (44, 29) with radius 2 (the constraint was coded as: 2 $>=
(ExpectedXPos - 44) ^ 2 + (ExpectedYPos - 29) ^ 2).

How should I interpret prop_ic_con, ic_con, binop_function, and rpow so I
can plot, say, a circle in my upcoming visualization?
Received on Fri Dec 11 2009 - 01:19:19 CET

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