Re: [eclipse-clp-users] Question about using bb_min/minimize

From: Seppe vanden Broucke <macuyiko_at_...6...>
Date: Fri, 09 Oct 2009 18:57:12 +0200
Thanks for your explanation. I've moved my instantiation to a seperate 
search routine. It's working now.



Kish Shen wrote:
> Hi Seppe,
> You appear to be calling minimize with Cost already instantiated:
> >    minimize(labeling(Triplets), Cost).
> Cost is already set in your previous loop. The idea of the 
> branch-and-bound search is that Cost should be instantiated by your 
> search routine (labeling(Triplets)) in your case), either directly,
> or indirectly (e.g. Cost is in a constraint). The search in 
> branch-and-bound will produce only one solution, the one with the 
> minimal value for Cost. Since your Cost value is already instantiated,
> calling minimize/2 will simply produce the first solution.
> Chwwea,
> Kish
Received on Fri Oct 09 2009 - 16:57:24 CEST

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