[eclipse-clp-users] A request on clpqr

From: Alexandre Saidi <Alexandre.Saidi_at_...37...>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 17:32:08 +0200
Hi every body,
Does anybody know how to obtain source code of clp(qr) ?
I've been using it around 1995.
Of course, Eclipse is here running ".pl" of clp(qr) but running clp(q)  
or clp(r) alone on a Mac is what I want to catch !
Gprolog also runs clp(r) partially.
Bprolog calls LP for real handling.

In case that anybody has an up to date mail (of Ch. Holzbaur ?) or
source code (C, C++) ?



Le 24 sept. 2009 à 06:29, Joachim Schimpf a écrit :

> Zhang, Y wrote:
>> 1) Anyone here can advise on how to download, install and use the
>> third party library clpqr? (I couldn't get into the original website
>> of the software.) 2) Does clpqr have thhe capacity to simplify the  
>> constraints?
>> 3) If clpqr is not avail now, which library is the closest to CLP 
>> (R) (real domain)?
>> I am using this library for teaching purpose. Thank you.
>> Yuanlin
> We had to remove clpqr from the distribution package because of
> its incompatible licence.  But you can download it separately via
> the Download-link on http://eclipse-clp.org/software/index.html,
> then unpack the clpqr.tgz file in your ECLiPSe installation directory.
> Since the source code has not been updated for ECLiPSe 6.0, it
> gives a couple of warnings when compiling, but you can ignore them.
> I've tried some small examples, and it seems to work ok.
> -- Joachim
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Alexandre Saidi
Maitre de Conférences
Ecole Centrale de Lyon-Dép. MI
Tél : 0472186530, Fax : 0472186443
Received on Thu Sep 24 2009 - 16:05:01 CEST

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