Re: [eclipse-clp-users] Java error messages

From: Joachim Schimpf <jschimpf_at_...153...>
Date: Wed, 04 Mar 2009 12:39:04 +1100
Paul Davern wrote:
> Hello Gregory,
> In my experience of using the Java interface you can get no more information 
> than "there was an error". However, the error usually indicates that ECLiPSe 
> is unhappy with the goal you sent it and tells you so; except as far as I am 
> aware the Java interface swallows the message.

If you use an EmmbeddedEclipse, you should see the error messages
(provided you don't set the UseQueues option):

import com.parctechnologies.eclipse.*;
public class ErrTest
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
     EclipseEngineOptions eclipseEngineOptions = new EclipseEngineOptions();
     EclipseEngine eclipse = EmbeddedEclipse.getInstance(eclipseEngineOptions);

% javac -classpath /home/jschimpf/Eclipse/6.0_65/lib/eclipse.jar
% java -classpath /home/jschimpf/Eclipse/6.0_65/lib/eclipse.jar:. ErrTest
calling an undefined procedure no_such_predicate in module eclipse  <<<<HERE
Exception in thread "main" com.parctechnologies.eclipse.Throw

In OutOfProcessEclipse, some flushing was missing.  I have fixed this
just now, but you can work around the problem by adding the line
immediately after initialising your eclipse:

import com.parctechnologies.eclipse.*;
public class ErrTest
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
     EclipseEngineOptions eclipseEngineOptions = new EclipseEngineOptions();
     OutOfProcessEclipse eclipse = new OutOfProcessEclipse(eclipseEngineOptions);

% javac -classpath /home/jschimpf/Eclipse/6.0_65/lib/eclipse.jar
% java -classpath /home/jschimpf/Eclipse/6.0_65/lib/eclipse.jar:. ErrTest
calling an undefined procedure no_such_predicate in module eclipse   <<<<HERE
Exception in thread "main" com.parctechnologies.eclipse.Throw

-- Joachim
Received on Wed Mar 04 2009 - 01:43:10 CET

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