Re: [eclipse-clp-users] Bug in ECLiPSe-6

From: Joachim Schimpf <jschimpf_at_...153...>
Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2009 14:50:06 +1100
Stephan Schiffel wrote:
> Hi all,
> I think I found a bug in ECLiPSe (6.0 #69):
> %%% file:
> :- local store(options).
> set_option(Name, Value) :-
> 	true,
> 	store_set(options, Name, Value).
> %%%%
> Compiling above file fails with the following output:
> [eclipse 1]: ["eclipse6_bug"].
> ...
> Check failed: 0 == 0, nonvar(_76001)
> Aborting execution ...
> Abort
> The code works as expected if "true" in the first line of set_option/2 is 
> removed or replaced by anything else.

Thanks, fixed for 6.0#72.  As you know, ECLiPSe 6.0 has a completely new compiler,
so some teething problems were expected, although it has done pretty well so far.
It's still amazing how simple failure cases like this can go unnoticed for a
couple of months, when they would normally not be written by a user in such a way.
There is something to be said for testing a compiler with randomly generated input!

-- Joachim
Received on Sun Feb 08 2009 - 03:50:19 CET

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