[eclipse-clp-users] Mixed-integer problems making use of the alldifferent constraint

From: Nicolas BERGER <Nicolas.Berger_at_...62...>
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 13:15:13 +0100 (CET)

I am a 3rd year PhD student from Nantes, France, under the direction of
Pr. Laurent Granvilliers and Dr. Frédéric Goualard, in the "Laboratoire
d'Informatique de Nantes-Atlantique" (LINA). Our research topic (my thesis
topic) is about mixed-integer constraint satisfaction techniques.

We are currently looking for constraint satisfaction problems or
optimization problems which would make use of alldifferent constraints on
integer variables AND arithmetic constraints on real variables. We
actually need to evaluate some of our ideas about efficiently relaxing the
alldifferent constraint in a mixed-integer interval solver (namely

We successfully tested our algorithms on pure discrete problems, such as
the N queens problem, but we also need to run these algorithms on
mixed-integer problems. Do you know where we could find some problems of
this kind ?

Nicolas Berger.

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Received on Wed Nov 05 2008 - 12:44:00 CET

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