[eclipse-clp-users] Predicate new_pool/3 ?

From: Ulrich Scholz <Ulrich.Scholz_at_...10...>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 17:05:27 +0200
Dear all,

section 9.2.3 of the eplex manual refers to a predicate now_pool/3.
Unfortunately, I cannot find any information about it.  

At least, it is not in the alphabetic predicate list and my short skip
through the module section of the user manual did not find it.

Can you help?

Ulrich Scholz            

Phone: +49-6221-533244
Email: ulrich.scholz_at_...10...


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Received on Fri Sep 12 2008 - 08:05:31 CEST

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