Re: [eclipse-clp-users] How to setup and use the Cbc eplex library?

From: Kish Shen <kisshen_at_...5...>
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2008 15:26:36 +0100
Scholz, Ulrich wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> hopefully, you will not receive several copies of this post.  Sorry, if you
> do.  I have problems posting to the list so I tried several times.
> I just successfully downloaded and compiled the Coin-OR Cbc eplex library.
> Now running a litte test program (attached below) gives errors like
>   WARNING: predicate declared but not defined in lp_get_license_challenge / 1 in module eplex_s
>   WARNING: predicate used but not declared or defined in cplex_set_cpcstr_cond / 4 in module eplex_s
>   WARNING: predicate used but not declared or defined in cplex_get_cpcstr_info / 4 in module eplex_s
> It seems that I have to tell ECLiPSe about the solver.  How?
> I'm sure that it is written somewhere but I must be blind.  Please point me
> to it.
> Thanks,
> Ulrich
> :- lib(eplex_osi_clpcbc).
>    lp_example(Cost) :-
>      my_instance: eplex_solver_setup(min(X)),
>      my_instance: (X+Y $>= 3),
>      my_instance: (X-Y $= 0),
>      my_instance: eplex_solve(Cost).
> ?- lp_example(C).
> --
> Ulrich Scholz            
> Phone: +49-6221-533244
> Email: ulrich.scholz_at_...10...
> --
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Hi Ulrich,

I am not quite sure what you mean by `downloaded and compiled' the 
CLPCBC library -- can you give more details on what you did? Did you 
download the binary package (in which case I am not sure what you mean 
by compile), or did you download the ECLiPSe source, and the COIN-OR CBC 
source, and compiled those?

In any case, you don't seem to have set up things correctly. The problem 
seem to be that your ECLiPSe is not able to find the C code for the CBC 
solver. If you downloaded the binary package correctly, the C code (the 
dynamic library, with .so extension for Linux and most other Unix) 
should be placed in the right place (<ECLiPSe>/lib/<ARCH>/) for ECLiPSe 
to find it.



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