Re: [eclipse-clp-users] Creating Store Using C++

From: Wit Jakuczun <wit.jakuczun_at_...6...>
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2008 12:56:24 +0200
2008/6/7 Vivek Balaraman <vivek.balaraman_at_...6...>:
> I think Sadiq's question is whether from C++ it is possible to call and use
> predicates like store_create / 1, store_put / 3 and store_get / 3.
Then the answer is yes.

Best regards
[ Wit Jakuczun w.jakuczun_at_...116... ]
[ WLOG Solutions ]
Received on Sun Jun 08 2008 - 03:56:27 CEST

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