Re: [eclipse-clp-users] Controlling lifetime of variables from Java

From: Wit Jakuczun <wit.jakuczun_at_...6...>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 19:12:05 +0200
2008/6/3 Kish Shen <kish_at_...2...>:
> Hi,
> The Java interface allows only the construction of ECLiPSe data structures
> that conforms to the EXDR format.

Ok, I understand now why there is no ec_resume in Java interface.

> So there is really no concept of ECLiPSe variables on the Java side, so the
> question of lifrtime does not really exists.

> The paper "A High-Level Generic Interface to External Programming Languages
> for ECLiPSe",
> which you can download from (it is in
> the `Prolog and Tools' section),

Thank you very much for all references and remarks.

Best regards
[ Wit Jakuczun w.jakuczun_at_...116... ]
[ WLOG Solutions ]
Received on Tue Jun 03 2008 - 10:12:11 CEST

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