Re: [eclipse-users] Fwd: invoking module function from C API

From: Carlos Gonzalez-Cadenas <carlos_at_...80...>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 23:28:35 +0200

Thank you very much for your help.

I'll be testing a refactored version and will get back to you with the

Best regards,


On 9/18/07, Warwick Harvey <wh_at_...2...> wrote:
> Hi Carlos,
> On Tue, Sep 18, 2007 at 08:08:22PM +0200, Carlos Gonzalez-Cadenas wrote:
> > Hi Kish,
> >
> > Thank you very much for your help.
> >
> > I've replaced the "," by a "." and now ECLIPSE doesn't complain "method
> not
> > found", but I still get a core dump. Any hints about that? (I suppose
> that
> > the offender is the EC_ref, because if I call a method like writeln with
> no
> > refs, it works correctly).
> >
> > My goal is not to perform much work in the C++ part, but also to call
> > "end-user" functions (the functions I need from the client point of
> view). I
> > want to  have as much code as possible in the ECLIPSE. But I need at a
> > minimum to be able to call functions and pass parameters back and forth,
> > right?
> Yes, you have to call functions and pass parameters back and
> forth.  Perhaps
> what hasn't been conveyed clearly is that it's the data you're passing
> back
> and forth that should be kept as simple as possible.  In particular, try
> to
> avoid passing variables.  ECLiPSe's (Prolog's) logical variables have no
> counterpart in most imperative languages, and they are inherently
> complicated objects, so it's best to avoid trying to access or manipulate
> them outside of ECLiPSe.  In your particular example, what is the
> information you want to obtain from the variable Interval?  Is it its
> bounds?  If so, extract the bounds in ECLiPSe and pass these back, because
> they will be simple floating point values that map easily to
> C/C++/whatever,
> and thus won't need complicated error-prone decoding.
> Cheers,
> Warwick
> --
> !umop apisdn papuadsns w,I - aW dlaH aseald
Received on Tue Sep 18 2007 - 22:28:44 CEST

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