Re: [eclipse-users] Effect of line in "steiner" example

From: Kish Shen <kisshen_at_...5...>
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2007 00:14:12 +0100
Hi Chuck,

Lutz, Charles D wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Some of the subtleties of how modeling in ECLiPSe works take a while to
> comprehend ;-)
> I am trying out the Steiner set example from the integer sets library 
> chapter
> (10) in the tutorial. The original example is shown below:
> :- lib(ic_sets).
> :- lib(ic).
> steiner(N, Sets) :-
> NB is N * (N-1) // 6, % compute number of triplets
> intsets(Sets, NB, 1, N), % initialise the set variables
> ( foreach(S,Sets) do
> #(S,3) % constrain their cardinality
> ),
> ( fromto(Sets,[S1|Ss],Ss,[]) do
> ( foreach(S2,Ss), param(S1) do
> #(S1 /\ S2, C), % constrain the cardinality
> C #=< 1 % of pairwise intersections
> )
> ),
> label_sets(Sets). % search
> label_sets([]).
> label_sets([S|Ss]) :-
> insetdomain(S,_,_,_),
> label_sets(Ss).
> I was curious why we needed the “C #=< 1” constraint, if we wanted to 
> constrain
> the cardinality of S1 /\ S2 to be 1, so I removed it and just replaced 
> the “C” in the
> cardinality constraint with a 1.
C #=< 1 does *not* mean constraining the cardinality to 1, but to *at 
most* 1, i.e. it can be either 0 or 1
(cardinality must be non-negative).
C #= 1 would be constraining the cardinality to 1 (and equivalent to 
your change).

So the difference is because you have changed the specification of the 
model, so you are no longer trying to solve the same problem.


> ECLiPSe now seems to run this in an “infinite” loop; I played with 
> both versions in
> the Tracer but I don’t know the execution details enough yet to tell 
> what is going
> on.
> Thanks,
> **Chuck Lutz**
> Lockheed Martin
> Systems of Systems Engineering
> BMC4I Modeling and Simulation
> Moorestown, NJ
> (856)638-7234 (office)
> charles.d.lutz_at_...53... <mailto:charles.d.lutz@...53...>
> “A graphic is never an end in itself; it is a moment
> in the process of decision making.”
> - Jacques Bertin
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