Re: [eclipse-users] Error in bin packing example

From: Kish Shen <kisshen_at_...5...>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 20:25:03 +0100

Lutz, Charles D wrote:
> Hi Kish,
> Thanks for the help. The problem is also found in lex_ord/2.
> I changed it as such:
There were a couple of other instances of this problem in that chapter. 
Hopefully I have found all of them....

> lex_ord(bin{colour:Col1, contents:Conts1},
>         bin{colour:Col2, contents:Conts2}) :-
>         % Use '=..' to extract the contents of the bin as a list
>         Conts1 =.. [_ | Vars1],
>         Conts2 =.. [_ | Vars2],
>         lexico_le([Col1 | Vars1], [Col2 | Vars2]).
> Then, however, it complained that lexico_le/2 was not defined, so I
> did a help lookup and found that this is in ic_global. So that has
> to be added at the top of the file along with the import for the ic
> library.
> Thanks,
> Chuck
Thanks again for this. I have added a note about lexico_le in the text 
as well.


Received on Thu Jul 19 2007 - 20:25:13 CEST

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