Re: [eclipse-users] Unit testing in eclipse prolog

From: Malcolm Ryan <malcolmr_at_...25...>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 15:49:17 +1000
On a related topic, I have a notification port on the variable which  
is notified whenever the set is extended. I would like to add unit  
tests that ensure that this is being called appropriately. Any  
suggestions for how to do this?


On 21/06/2007, at 3:12 PM, Malcolm Ryan wrote:

> I'm creating a new kind of constrained variable (ordered sets) along
> the lines of the 'generic_sets' module. I want to add some unit tests
> that ensure that the suspension lists are working correctly - most
> importantly, that there aren't any delayed goals remaining once a
> variable has been instantiated. Is there any way to access this
> information?
> Malcolm
> On 10/05/2007, at 8:12 PM, Joachim Schimpf (Independent Contractor)
> wrote:
>> Malcolm Ryan wrote:
>>> Does anyone have experience with using unit testing tools for  
>>> prolog?
>> We use the ECLiPSe library test_util
>> -- Joachim
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Received on Thu Jun 21 2007 - 06:49:30 CEST

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