[eclipse-users] Question about setof/3 (and about _at_/1)

From: Ulrich Scholz <ulrich.scholz_at_...11...>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 18:32:08 +0200
Hi everybody,

a question about setof/3: The manual states that the result is sorted but I
could not find according to which ordering.  I guess, it's the standart term

How could an implementation of setof/3 look like that uses an arbitrary,
i.e., user-supplied ordering?

Thank you,


BTW, the manual states "This predicate is sensitive to its module context
(tool predicate, see _at_/1)".  I guess, that sould read "... see @/2)". 

Ulrich Scholz            

Personal Memory Group                   
European Media Laboratory GmbH
Received on Thu Oct 26 2006 - 17:32:39 CEST

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