Repair Exercise Write a predicate min_conflicts(Vars,Count) that takes two arguments: * Vars - a list of variables, with tentative 0/1 values * Count - a variable, with a tentative integer value The specification of min_conflicts(Vars,Count) is as follows: * If conflict set cs is empty, instantiate Vars to their tentative values * Otherwise find a variable, V, in a conflict constraint * Instantiate V to the value (0 or 1) that maximises the tentative value of Count * On backtracking instantiate V the other way. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This can be tested with the following propositional satisfiability program. cons_clause(Clause,Bool) :- Clause =:= 1 r_conflict cs, Bool tent_is Clause. prop_sat(Vars,List) :- ( foreach(N,List), foreach(Cl,Clauses), param(Vars) do cl(N,Vars,Cl) ), init_tent_values(Vars), ( foreach(Cl,Clauses), foreach(B,Bools) do cons_clause(Cl,B) ), Count tent_is sum(Bools), min_conflicts(Vars,Count). init_tent_values(Vars) :- ( foreach(V,Vars) do V tent_set 1). cl(1,[X,Y,Z], (X or neg Y or Z)). cl(2,[X,Y,Z], (neg X or neg Y)). cl(3,[X,Y,Z], (Y or neg Z)). cl(4,[X,Y,Z], (X or neg Z)). cl(5,[X,Y,Z], (Y or Z)). % Test: ?- prop_sat([X,Y,Z],[1,2,3]).