Release Notes
Version 5.2 (June 14 2001)
This release contains several new libraries, new interfaces including a
Java interface, as well as minor improvements and bug fixes. It is compatible
with release 5.1 with the small exceptions listed below.
New Library: Interval Constraints (ic)
The new library ic implements arithmetic constraints over the
domain of real and integers. It combines (and is intended to eventually
replace) the functionality of the fd and ria libraries.
New Library: Probing for scheduling (probing_for_scheduling)
This is a complete search method for resource-constrained scheduling problems.
The user interface is similar to the cumulative constraint, but includes
a cost function to be minimised.
New Library: Generic source processor (source_processor)
A support library to facilitate the processing of ECLiPSe source code.
New Library: Pretty Printer (pretty_printer)
Converts ECLiPSe source files to coloured and hyperlinked html files.
New Library: Stable variable names (var_name)
User defined names for variables.
lib(eplex) enhancements
Support for multiple linear solvers through multiple handles.
Optional pruning of bounds based on the reduced costs: reduced_cost_pruning/2.
Simplified handling of exceptional solver results by raising one of the
events eplex_suboptimal, eplex_unbounded, eplex_unknown, eplex_abort instead
of the old 'CPLEX_ABORT' event.
Added lp_release_licence/0
lib(document) enhancements
Can be used more easily for standalone projects.
Enbedding and Interfaces
Remote Tcl Interface
Tcl/Tk interface using separate Tcl and ECLiPSe processes. See the new
chapter in the Embedding and Interfacing Manual.
New Library: Remote tools attachment
Allows the Tk development tool set to be used with any ECLiPSe session.
Java/ECLiPSe Embedding Interface
Embed your ECLiPSe application into a Java host environment. See the new
chapter in the Embedding and Interfacing Manual.
Development Environment
GUI enhancements (TkEclipse)
New term observation facility - keep track of data modification
Enhanced term inspection - better display of lists
Conditional spy points - match goal templates and general conditions
Failure analysis - quickly find the reason for a failure or abort
Consistent use of buttons: double left-click now fires inspector, right
click for popup menu
Query matching on top-level windows moved to right mouse button; standard
buttons/control-key sequences now supported for selection/movement.
Command Line Toplevel
Toplevel now consistently displays the More-prompt when the query has left
a choice point (this used to be suppressed when the query had no variables).
Failure analysis - use the new debugger command 'q'
Kernel features
Bounded real numbers - real numbers bounded by two floats are now a fully
integrated numeric type
Shelves - storing information across failure in a safe way
update_struct/4 - copy and modify structures without knowing all the fields
Spy - the spy/2 command is less fuzzy about predicate visibility
get_event_handler/3 added
Implemented syntax options for ISO-compatible escape sequences and base
number notation. See User Manual, Appendix Syntax.
The priority of delayed goals created via delay-clauses now corresponds
to the priority setting of the goal predicate (see set_flag/3).
On Windows, getenv/2 can now look up certain registry entries.
Updated to version 3.1.1 of the GNU Multi Precision Arithmetic Library.
The type name 'real' has been consistently renamed to 'float'. This affects:
type_of/2 now returns 'float' rather than 'real' for floating point numbers
type macro, portray and nonlogical array declarations: type(real) needs
to be renamed to type(float)
float/1 replaces real/1
real/1 still exists and now succeeds for both floating point numbers and
for bounded real numbers, i.e. real(X) :- float(X);breal(X).
read_token/2,3 return 'float' rather than 'real' as the token class for
floating point numbers.
The toplevel interpreter has been moved from the kernel to lib(toplevel).
This implies:
The predicate break/0 is no longer a built-in and must be imported from
lib(toplevel) if needed
When running eclipse with the -e command line option, no toplevel interpreter
is available by default.
Programs using lib(eplex) which used to define a handler for the 'CPLEX_ABORT'
event need to be changed to instead handle the more precise events eplex_suboptimal,
eplex_unbounded, eplex_unknown, eplex_abort. However, the default behaviour
may now be appropriate, e.g. the default for the eplex_unknown case (unbounded
or infeasible) is now to fail. See lp_solve/2 for details.
Syntax: inside single or double quoted items an escape character (backslash)
followed by an invalid escape sequence is now a syntax error. Previously,
the escape character was simply ignored. The number of recognised escape
sequences has been increased to enhance compatibility.
Previous release notes
Interface to LP/MIP solvers