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Chapter 4  The TkECLiPSe Development Tools

TkECLiPSe is a graphical user interface to ECLiPSe. It is an alternative to the traditional textual line-based user interface, providing multiple windows, menus and buttons to assist the user in interacting with ECLiPSe. It consists of two major components:

TkECLiPSe is implemented in the Tcl/Tk scripting language/graphical toolkit [12], using the new ECLiPSe Tcl/Tk interface [11]. The development tools are designed to be independent of the top-level, so the users can develop their own applications with a graphical front end written in Tcl/Tk, replacing the TkECLiPSe top-level, but still using the development tools.

Chapter 3 gave an introduction to using TkECLiPSe from a user’s point of view. This chapter focuses on how to use the tools from a programmer’s point of view (i.e., how to include them in a program). In particular it discusses in detail the display matrix tool, which can be invoked in user’s ECLiPSe code; and also how to use the development tools in the user’s own applications.

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