Build a hybrid algorithm to create lists whose elements all differ by
at least 2. Try lists of length 3,5,7,8.
To test its performance, reduce the domains thus:
so the program tries all possibilities before failing.
Use the following skeleton:
differ(Length,List) :- length(List,Length), TwoL is 2*Length, ic:(List::1..TwoL-1), alldiff(List,TwoL,Bools), [To be completed] alldiff(List,Length,Bools) :- ( fromto(List,[X|Rest],Rest,[]), fromto([],BIn,BOut,Bools), param(Length) do diffeach(X,Rest,Length,BIn,BOut) ). diffeach(X,List,Length,BIn,BOut) :- (foreach(Y,List), fromto(BIn,TB,[B|TB],BOut), param(X,Length) do diff2(X,Y,Length,B) ). |
diff2(X,Y,_,_) :- ic: ((X+2 #=< Y) or (Y+2 #=< X)).
diff2(X,Y,Max,B) :- eplex:(B::0..1), eplex:( X+2 + B*Max $=< Y+Max), eplex:(X+Max $>= Y+2 + (1-B)*Max).