14.2 Background: Constraint Satisfaction Problems
There is a large body of scientific work and literature about
Constraint Satisfaction Problems, or CSPs.
CSPs are a restricted class of constraint problems with the
following properties
there is a fixed set of variables X1, ..., Xn
- every variable Xi has a finite domain Di of values that the variable
is allowed to take. In general, this can be an arbitrary, unordered
- usually one considers only binary (2-variable) constraints cij(Xi,Xj).
Every constraint is simply defined as a set of pairs of consistent values.
- the problem is to find a valuation (labeling) of the variables such
that all the constraints are satisfied.
The restriction to binary constraints is not really limiting since every CSP
can be transformed into a binary CSP. However, this is often not necessary
since many algorithms can be generalised to n-ary constraints.
A CSP network is the graph formed by considering the variables as nodes
and the constraints as arcs between them.
In such a network, several levels of consistency can be defined:
Node consistency
- ∀v ∈ Di : ci(v)
(not very interesting). It means that
all unary constraints are reflected in the domains
- Arc consistency
- ∀v ∈ Di ∃w ∈ Dj : cij(v,w)
(most practically relevant).
It means that for every value in the domain of one
variable, there is a compatible value in the domain of the
other variable in the constraint. In practice, constraints
are symmetric, so the reverse property also holds.
- Path consistency
- ∀v ∈ Di ∀w ∈ Dj ∃u ∈ Dk : cik(v,u), ckj(u,w)
(usually too expensive). One can show that this property extends to
whole paths, i.e. on any path of constraints between variables i and j
the variables have domain values which are compatible with any
domain values for i and j.
Note that neither of these conditions is sufficient for the
problem to be satisfiable. It is still necessary to search for solutions.
Computing networks with these consistency levels can however be a useful
intermediate step to finding a solution to the CSP.
Consequently, a complete CSP solver needs the following design decisions:
what level of consistency do we want to employ?
- at what time during search do we want to (re)establish this consistency?
- what algorithm do we use to establish this consistency?
In practice, the most relevant consistency level is arc-consistency.
Consequently, a number of algorithms have been proposed for the
purpose of establishing arc-consistency. The algorithms used in ECLiPSe
are mostly variants of AC-3 [16]
and AC-5 [10].