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6.2  Basic Constraints

The following constraints implement the basic relationships between two domain values. The constraints require their arguments to come from identical domains, otherwise an error is raised.

?X &= ?Y
X is the same as Y
?X &\= ?Y
X is different from Y
?X &< ?Y
X is strictly before Y in the domain order
?X &> ?Y
X is strictly after Y in the domain order
?X &=< ?Y
X is the same as Y, or before Y in the domain order
?X &>= ?Y
X is the same as Y, or after Y in the domain order
Y is C places above X in the domain order. X and Y have symbolic domains, C has an integer domain.
like shift/3 but wraps at domain boundary.
Value occurs in List at position Index. Value has a symbolic domain, Index has an integer domain. List is a number of symbolic domain values.

For example

?- [X, Y] &:: weekday, X &< Y.
X = X{[mo, tu, we, th, fr, sa]}
Y = Y{[tu, we, th, fr, sa, su]}
Yes (0.00s cpu)

?- X &:: weekday, X &=< we.
X = X{[mo, tu, we]}
Yes (0.00s cpu)

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