Dear All, we use ECLIPSE to solve equations with constraints on integer and boolean variables, exploiting the /ic/ library. An example of the implemented equations is: X1 :: -67108864..67108863 , X2 :: -67108864..67108863 , X3 :: 0..1, (neg(X1 #= 5)) and (X1 #< X2) and (neg(X3 #= 0)) , So, that is the complexity for the algorithm applied by the solver to get a solution for the equation? And the complexity to get the list of all possible solutions? Moreover, the complexity to get a random solutions (i.e. with the statements indomain(X1, random), indomain(X2, random) is the same of getting the first available solution (i.e. with indomain(X1), indomain(X2) ) ? However is there in a better solver that we can adopt to solve our problems? Thanks for your attention, CristinaReceived on Fri Apr 29 11:19:47 2005
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