Dear All, I have some problems in calling some Eclipse functions from C++. For example, given a simple example like this s1 :- X1 :: 0..10, X2 :: 0..10, (neg(X1 #= 5)) and (X1 #< X2), writeln(X1), writeln(X2). I get the following solution with Eclipse: X1{[0 .. 4, 6 .. 9]} X2{1 .. 10} Delayed goals: X2{1 .. 10} - X1{[0 .. 4, 6 .. 9]} #> 0 Is there a method to extract from a list of solutions a random element for every variable? For example the function indomain(Var) allow me to get a single solution, but it is the minumun. I have to call eclipse from a C++ program. So, I can express the solution domains with the get_domain_as_list(X, LIST) function. Is there a method to pass the solutions list form eclipse to a C++ list? Then, I there a structure in eclipse to express the delayed goals in C++? Thanks -- Cristina Marconcini Department of Computer Science - University of Verona Strada le Grazie, 15 - 37134 Verona - Italy email: tel: +39 045 8027081 fax: +39 045 8027068Received on Thu Feb 10 16:56:56 2005
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