ic: stronger propagation possible?

From: Ulrich Scholz <scholz_at_informatik.tu-darmstadt.de>
Date: Sun 12 Dec 2004 03:34:38 PM GMT
Message-ID: <20041212163438.A3061@informatik.tu-darmstadt.de>
Dear all,

the following does not find the sole solution X=2 and Y=2, but an
additional labeling does.

[eclipse 1]: lib(ic), [X,Y] :: 1..2, neg(X#=1 and Y#=1), neg (X#=1 and Y#=2), neg(X#=2 and Y#=1).

X = X{[1, 2]}
Y = Y{[1, 2]}

There are 9 delayed goals. Do you want to see them? (y/n)


[eclipse 2]: [X,Y] :: 1..2, neg(X#=1 and Y#=1), neg (X#=1 and Y#=2), neg(X#=2 and Y#=1), labeling([X,Y]).

X = 2
Y = 2
Yes (0.00s cpu)

How can I get such a stronger result for a list of variables without
having to search for their instantiations?  In other words, can I
achieve stronger propagation?

Thank you, Uli

Ulrich Scholz

Received on Mon Dec 13 18:31:27 2004

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