Hi! Logtalk 2.21.0 is now available for downloading from the Logtalk web site: http://www.logtalk.org/ This release adds a new predicate directive, alias/3, which allows the definition of alternative predicate names in order to improve readability of inherited features and to solve conflicts between implemented, imported, or inherited predicates. In addition, categories are now allowed to import other categories, useful when a modified version of a category is needed for importing into several unrelated objects. Three new examples are included, illustrating the new features of this release. From the release notes: * Added a new predicate directive, alias/3, which allows the definition of alternative predicate names in order to improve readability of inherited features and to solve conflicts between implemented, imported, or inherited predicates. * Added new example, "aliases", illustrating the use of the new alias/3 predicate directive for improving readability of inherited features. * Added new example, "diamonds", illustrating problems and solutions for the "diamond problem" (multi-inheritance conflicts and ambiguities) using the new alias/3 predicate directive. * Allow categories to import other categories, i.e. allow categories to be defined as a composition of other categories. This feature should only be used when extending a category without breaking its functional cohesion (for example, when a modified version of a category is needed for importing into several unrelated objects). * Added new example, "engines", illustrating importing a category from another category. * Updated the syntax coloring configuration files for the supported text editors for the new alias/3 predicate directive. * Added autocomplete strings for Logtalk methods and for Logtalk and Prolog built-in predicates and directives to the SubEthaEdit 2.x text editor. * Corrected a bug which prevented compilation of metafiles containing parametric entities. The CVS tag for this release is "lgt2210". Happy logtalking! Paulo ----------------------------------------------------------- Paulo Jorge Lopes de Moura Dep. of Informatics Office 4.3 Ext. 3257 University of Beira Interior Phone: +351 275319700 6201-001 Covilhã Fax: +351 275319891 Portugal <mailto:pmoura@di.ubi.pt> <http://www.di.ubi.pt/~pmoura> <http://www.logtalk.org> -----------------------------------------------------------Received on Tue Sep 14 06:27:17 2004
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