Friends, i'am trying to codify the n-queens problem like it appears in the eclipse home page using the eclipse c++ interface (see below). Someone could see what's wrong? It didn't work but to me is everything correct. Thanks, Christian /* n-queens */ /*queens_lists(N, Board) :- length(Board, N), Board :: 1..N, ( fromto(Board, [Q1|Cols], Cols, []) do ( foreach(Q2, Cols), param(Q1), count(Dist,1,_) do Q2 #\= Q1, Q2 - Q1 #\= Dist, Q1 - Q2 #\= Dist ) ), labeling(Board). */ /* C++ version */ EC_ref Board, N; EC_word Q1,Cols,Q2,Dist, Underline; Q1 = newvar(); Cols = newvar(); Q2 = newvar(); Dist = newvar(); Underline = newvar(); EC_word wlist = nil(); wlist = list(Cols,wlist); wlist = list(Q1,wlist); post_goal("lib(ic)"); //length(Board, N), Board :: 1..N, EC_word term1 = term(EC_functor(",",2), term(EC_functor("length",2),Board,N), term(EC_functor("::",2),Board, term(EC_functor("..",2),1,N))); //fromto(Board, [Q1|Cols], Cols, []) EC_word term2 = term(EC_functor("fromto",4), Board, wlist, Cols, nil()); //foreach(Q2, Cols), param(Q1), count(Dist,1,_) EC_word term3 = term(EC_functor(",",2), term(EC_functor("foreach",2),Q2,Cols), term(EC_functor("param",1),Q1) ); EC_word term4 = term(EC_functor(",",2), term3, term(EC_functor("count",3),Dist,1,Underline)); //Q2 #\= Q1, Q2 - Q1 #\= Dist,Q1 - Q2 #\= Dist EC_word term5 = term(EC_functor(",",2),term(EC_functor("#\\=",2),Q2,Q1) , term(EC_functor("#\\=",2), term(EC_functor("-",2),Q2,Q1),Dist) ); EC_word term6 = term(EC_functor(",",2),term5, term(EC_functor("#\\=",2), term(EC_functor("-",2),Q1,Q2), Dist ) ); // second do EC_word term7 = term(EC_functor("do",2),term4,term6); //first do EC_word term8 = term(EC_functor("do",2), term2, term7 ); //labeling EC_word term9 = term(EC_functor("labeling",1),Board); EC_word term10 = term(EC_functor(",",2),term1,term8); EC_word term11 = term(EC_functor(",",2),term10, term9 ); EC_word body = term( EC_functor(",",2), term11, term(EC_functor("writeln",1),Board )); post_goal( term( EC_functor("assert",1), term(EC_functor(":-",2), term(EC_functor("queens_lists",2),N, Board), body ))); EC_ref aux; aux = newvar(); post_goal(term(EC_functor("queens_lists",2),4,aux)); if(EC_resume() == EC_succeed) printf(" Success ");Received on Tue Aug 17 15:28:29 2004
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