Hi everyone, I am new to the list. I have been trying to write some code in ECLiPSe with no much success. I am having a problem with comparing some list values. I have pasted down my code and I have marked the area where I need some help. Thanks in advance and waiting for your reply. Fahd University of Arizona :-lib(fd). :-lib(listut). solve(Vars, Time):- N = 8, length(Vars, N), Vars::1..N, alldifferent(Vars), last(ALast, Vars), ALast = 1, vars_cost(Vars, AVar, Minor, Major), length(TVar, N), last(TLast, Time), var_assignment(Vars, Costs), compute_costs(TVar, Costs, AVar, Minor, Major), Tot #= TLast, minimize(labeling(Arcs), Tot). vars_cost([], [], [], []). vars_cost([Arc|Vars], [Cost|Costs], [Mi|Mj], [Ui|Uj]):- element(Arc, [0, 10, 5, 12, 7, 1, 8, 9], Cost), element(Arc, [10, 0, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10], Li), element(Arc, [100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100], Ui), vars_cost(Vars, Costs, Mj, Uj). var_assignment(Vars, Cost):- Vars = [V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8], Cost = [C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8], Matrix = m(r(0,0,2,5,10,5,6,6), r(9,9,0,3,8,3,4,4), r(6,6,3,0,5,0,1,1), r(5,5,7,10,0,13,11,11), r(0,0,2,5,10,5,6,6), r(5,5,2,5,10,5,0,0), r(9,9,0,3,8,3,4,4), r(0,0,2,5,10,5,6,6)), wait_for([1, V1], subscript(Matrix, [1,V1], C1)), wait_for([V1, V2], subscript(Matrix, [V1,V2], C2)), wait_for([V2, V3], subscript(Matrix, [V2,V3], C3)), wait_for([V3, V4], subscript(Matrix, [V3,V4], C4)), wait_for([V4, V5], subscript(Matrix, [V4,V5], C5)), wait_for([V5, V6], subscript(Matrix, [V5,V6], C6)), wait_for([V6, V7], subscript(Matrix, [V6,V7], C7)), wait_for([V7, V8], subscript(Matrix, [V7,V8], C8)). compute_costs([], [], [], [], []). compute_costs([Ti|TRj], [Ci|Cj], [ACi|ACj], [Mi|Mj],[Ui|Uj]):- Ti #>= Li, Ti #<= Ui, Ci + ACi #= Ti, compute_rest_cost([Ti|TRj],Cj,ACj,Lj,Uj). compute_rest_cost([_],[],[],[],[]). compute_rest_cost([Ti,Tj|TRj],[Ci|Cj],[ACj|ACs],[Lj|Ls], [Uj|Us]):- Tj #>= Lj, Tj #<= Uj, Ti + Ci + ACj #= Tj, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % what I need over here is the following: % If Acj + Lj is greater than Tj then % I would like to assign Acj +Lj to Tj % otherwise % do nothing % % I have been trying to do that for some time with no success % Shedding some light on this issue will be highly appreciated. Thanks. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% compute_rest_cost([Tj|TRj],Cj,ACs,Ls,Us). wait_for([], Goal):- call(Goal). wait_for([X|Xs], Goal):- (var(X) -> suspend(wait_for(Xs, Goal), 2, [X -> inst]) ; wait_for(Xs, Goal) ).Received on Fri May 09 18:08:07 2003
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