How can I use graphics within ECLiPSe, e.g. drawing primitives like rectangles or displaying text in graphic mode? I mean is there any library written or how to use C++ functions to make all their calls drawing in a single window while ECLiPSe is processing other predicates? (I want the information got from the predicate's calls to be visualized) P.S. What does the following error mean? :-load('myfile.obj'). system interface error: a device attached to the system is not functioning in load('myfile.obj') [ Moderator's note: 1. The recommended way to do graphics is to embed Eclipse into a main program in TclTk/VisualBasic/C/C++ as described in the Embedding Manual. 2. You can only load .dll files on Windows or .so files on Unix ]Received on Tue Mar 28 14:39:43 2000
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