[eclipse-clp-users] Planning as Theorem Proving with Heuristics: arxiv.org/abs/2303.13638

From: Mikhail Soutchanski <soutchanski_at_...6...>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2023 18:47:16 -0400

       If you are interested in modern heuristic Automated Planning, then
you will be pleased to learn that it can be done with PROLOG. I would like
to inform you about a recent deductive planner TPLH implemented in ECLiPSe
PROLOG. TPLH is described in the paper

              Planning as Theorem Proving with Heuristics
              Mikhail Soutchanski, Ryan Young
        Planning as a theorem proving in situation calculus was abandoned
50 years ago as an impossible project. But we have developed a Theorem
Proving Lifted Heuristic (TPLH) planner that searches for a plan in a tree
of situations using the A* search algorithm. It is  controlled by a delete
relaxation-based domain independent heuristic. We compare TPLH with the
state-of-the-art Fast Downward (FD) and Best First         Width Search
(BFWS) planners over several standard benchmarks. Since our implementation
of the heuristic function is not optimized, TPLH is slower than FD and
BFWS. But it computes shorter plans, and it explores fewer states. We
discuss previous research on planning within KRR and identify related
directions. Thus we show  that deductive lifted heuristic planning in
situation calculus is actually doable.

Comments are  welcome. I would be glad to collaborate on a related research
    Mikhail Soutchanski, Ph.D., Professor
    WWW:                   http://www.cs.torontomu.ca/mes
Department of Computer Science, #ENG275
Faculty of Science
Toronto Metropolitan (formerly Ryerson) University
245 Church Street
Toronto, Ontario,
M5B 2K3, Canada
Received on Wed Jun 21 2023 - 22:47:36 CEST

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