Hello, I’m having an issue with an exported structure: When I run p2m:top( [ p2m:person{name:philippe,age:50,p2m:ba:bank_account{bal:1000}} ],PMBL). I get the below warnings. Any help would be much appreciated. Philippe ————— WARNING: Unrecognized structure name in module eclipse in bank_account{bal : 1000} WARNING: Unrecognized structure name in module eclipse in person{name : philippe, age : 53, p2m : ba : bank_account{bal : 1000}} PMBL = [] Yes (0.00s cpu) [eclipse 15]: p2m:top( [ p2m:person{name:philippe,age:53,p2m:ba:bank_account{bal:1000}} ],PMBL). WARNING: Unrecognized structure name in module eclipse in bank_account{bal : 1000} WARNING: Unrecognized structure name in module eclipse in person{name : philippe, age : 53, p2m : ba : bank_account{bal : 1000}} PMBL = [] Yes (0.00s cpu) ------------- ——————————— code —————————————— /* Find people whose balance is above a certain limit. */ :- module(p2m). :- export top/2. :- export filterBalance/3. :- export top/2. :- lib(ic). :- export struct(bank_account(bal)). :- export struct(person(name,age,ba:bank_account)). top(FamilyList, PersonsMatchingBalanceLimit) :- BalanceLimit = 0, filterBalance(BalanceLimit, FamilyList, Ys), PersonsMatchingBalanceLimit = Ys. filterBalance(BalanceLimit, Family, Ys) :- ( % foreach person in family foreach(Person,Family), fromto(Ys,Ys2,Ys1,[]), param(BalanceLimit) do ( person{ba:Bal} = Person, arg(1, Bal, Bal2), Bal2 #>= BalanceLimit -> Ys2=[Bal2|Ys1] ; Ys2=Ys1 ) ).Received on Tue Sep 05 2017 - 06:21:24 CEST
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