Hi, I tried to install ARM GNU on Eclipse The recommended way to install these plug-ins is to use the Eclipse standard install/update mechanism: In the *Eclipse* menu: *Help* → *Install New Software...* - in the *Install* window, click the *Add...* button (on future updates, just select the URL in the *Work with:* combo) - fill in *Name:* with *GNU ARM Eclipse Plug-ins* - fill in *Location:* with *http://gnuarmeclipse.sourceforge.net/updates <http://gnuarmeclipse.sourceforge.net/updates>* - click the *OK* button I got this: Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found. Software being installed: GNU ARM C/C++ Packs (Experimental) (ilg.gnuarmeclipse.packs.feature.group Then I tried this : f, for any reason, you need to install a specific version of the plug-in, the solution is to download the archive from SourceForge Files <http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuarmeclipse/files/Current%20Releases/> and to point the Eclipse update mechanism to the local archive: In the* Eclipse * menu: **Help** → **Install New Software...** ilg.gnuarmeclipse.repository-2.9.3-201508190739.zip! - in the *Install* window, click the *Add...* button - in the *Add Repository* window, click the *Archive...* button * in the *Repository archive* window, select the downloaded .zip archive * click the *OK* button - click the OK button It failed again; Anyone has installed ARM GNU in Eclipse ? I am using Eclipse 3.8.1 RaadReceived on Fri Oct 02 2015 - 18:57:23 CEST
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