Dear Sirs In my small example, it's works fine with "labeling" but not with "search" predicate. The error message is about undefined predicate. Is it missing some library? Is the labeling predicate a "search" specified with first-fail and indomain? Thanks in advance claudio %%%% 3-CNF SATISFATIBILITY :-lib(fd). %:- use_module(library(fd)). OR go :- model(L), busca(L), print_list_by_array(L), fail. %% for ALL SOLUTIONS go. %% finish with true %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Model model(Vars):- Vars=[A,B,C,D], Vars #:: [0..1], (#\+A #\/ #\+ B #\/ #\+C ) , %% (not A or not B or not C) AND (.....) AND .... (A #\/ #\+B #\/ #\+D) , (B #\/ C #\/ D) , (#\+ B #\/ #\+C #\/ D) . %% END DA 3-CNF %%% OR-EXCLUSIVE model2(Vars):- Vars=[A,B], Vars #:: [0..1], (A #\/ B) , %% #\+( A #/\ B). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Explore busca(L_Search) :- labeling(L_Search). %% search(L_Search, 0 , occurrence, indomain_min,complete, [] ). %% Why the search does not works? %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Print out print_list_by_array(L_all):- nl, %% writeln( l_all : L_all), list2array(L_all, Vetor), dim(Vetor,[L]), (for( I , 1 , L ), param( Vetor ) do ( XX_truque is Vetor[I], printf(" Vetor[%d]: %d " , [I, XX_truque]) ) ). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% AUXs list2array(L,A) :- length(L, Size), dim(A,[Size]), (foreacharg(X,A), foreach(X,L) do true). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% AUXs -- Obrigado claudio ( )) |""|-. |__|-' ********************************************************************** ***********************************************************************Received on Sun Sep 22 2013 - 15:04:00 CEST
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