Dear all, Find attached the call for PhD candidates for September 2013 in the IN3-UOC<>(Barcelona) ( here<>you can find the terms and conditions web). There are 10 competitive grants (for three years). Among the different research lines, here you can see those related with constraint programming: *Automated tools for Software Engineering* Nowadays software is a core asset in companies and administrations of any size. The existence of software bugs can cause accidents and important economic losses. This is why the discipline of software engineering attempts to improve automation in the software developing process. This research line is oriented towards investigating automated tools that help the quality of the final software product through the use of techniques from modelling, algorithmics and artificial intelligence. *Optimization and Simulation of Logistics, Transportation and Production Systems* One of the emergent research areas in Computer Science is the development of new hybrid algorithms and software applications aimed at solving complex real-life challenges such as those associated with routing, scheduling or reliability/availability problems. Most of these problems are considered to be NP-hard, which means that an efficient approach can be built only by combining techniques from different areas such as Computer Science and Operations Research (e.g. computer simulation, heuristics, constraint programming, parallel programming, etc.). At the same time, these problems represent important challenges for strategic sectors in any developed country such as industry and services, which explains the relevance of the proposed topics to current international research. If you know of potential candidates, please pass them this information. It would be great also to collaborate with your research teams if you are interested in keep the contact with the student. Well, if you had any question/comment, you can write me to drierat_at_...350... Yours, Daniel Daniel Riera Terrén PhD Engineer Estudis d'Informàtica, Multimèdia i Telecomunicació [Director del programa d'Enginyeria Informàtica] Universitat Oberta de Catalunya 93 326 (3409) | drierat_at_...351... 22_at_ (Rambla Poblenou, 156) Web professional <> |Blog professional<>| Linkedin <> | Twitter<> [image: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya] Aquest missatge s´adreça exclusivament a qui va destinat i pot contenir informació privilegiada o confidencial i dades de caràcter personal, la difusió de les quals és regulada per la Llei orgànica de protecció de dades i la Llei de serveis de la societat de la informació. Si no sou la persona destinatària indicada (o la responsable de lliurar-lo a qui va destinat), no heu de copiar aquest missatge ni lliurar-lo a tercers per cap concepte. Si heu rebut aquest missatge per error o l´heu aconseguit per altres mitjans, us demanem que ens ho comuniqueu immediatament per aquesta mateixa via i l´elimineu irreversiblement. Abans d´imprimir aquest missatge electrònic penseu en el medi ambient.
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