Hi all, I am trying to leverage CLP in order to solve a rather simple scheduling problem. the problem consists of a series of tasks, each of which with a specified length. I want to determine all the permutations of start times, with the constraint that they cannot run at the same time. I define these tasks as facts in the knowledge base, e.g.:- task(a, 3), task(b, 2). So far, I have been resorting to writing very imperative code littered with for's and foreach's to constrain things. I write code to use findall/3 to obtain all N tasks, then I generate N domain variables, setting them to 0..59 (minutes in one hour). I then use (perhaps rather unwisely), remove/3 to get each element in the list along with every other element, to which I apply the constraint Domain #\= OtherDomain + I for I = 0 to Length-1. I have two problems here. 1, this code is rather awful and really, a twisty turny version of imperative code bending over backwards to try to work in prolog, and 2 - it doesn't work. I am getting the following response:- [eclipse 41]: top. [0, 0] Delayed goals: -(_285{0 .. 59}) + _267{0 .. 59} #\= 0 -(_285{0 .. 59}) + _267{0 .. 59} #\= 1 -(_285{0 .. 59}) + _267{0 .. 59} #\= 2 -(_321{0 .. 59}) + _303{0 .. 59} #\= 0 -(_321{0 .. 59}) + _303{0 .. 59} #\= 1 Yes (0.00s cpu, solution 1, maybe more) ? Which means that variables are somehow getting reassigned, which rather confuses me. I know this might be a rather 'send me the codez' sort of question, but I am rather stuck and I am sure one of you CLP experts must be able to come up with a simpler, more declarative and all-round more CLP-y way of doing things, and also perhaps something that works :) I would appreciate any help anybody could give, massively. Cheers, Lorenzo Exhibit A, The Code:- The code:- :- lib(ic). task(a, 3). task(b, 2). % We want to schedule these tasks to take up 60 minutes. So essentially permutations. remove(X, [X|Rest], Rest). remove(X, [Y|Rest], [Y|RestAnswer]):- remove(X, Rest, RestAnswer). getTasks(Tasks):- findall(task(Name, Length), task(Name, Length), Tasks). schedule(Domains):- getTasks(Tasks), length(Tasks, N), length(Domains, N), Domains :: 0..59, findall([Domain,OtherDomains], remove(Domain, Domains, OtherDomains), SplitDomains), (foreach(task(_, Length), Tasks), foreach([Domain, OtherDomains], SplitDomains) do (foreach(OtherDomain, OtherDomains), param(Domain, Length) do (for(I,0,Length-1), param(Domain, OtherDomain) do ( Domain #\= OtherDomain+I ) ) ) ), labeling(Domains). top:- schedule(Domains), writeln(Domains).Received on Wed May 23 2012 - 16:30:19 CEST
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