Hi, I'd like to write a demon that wakes when an ic variable gets constrained. Also, it should wake if the ic variable is made equal to another ic variable with same bounds. Somehow, I seem to set up the condition list it in a wrong way. Consider the three examples given below. Only t2 weakes the demon. How can I set up a demon that wakes in case t3? Thanks, Ulrich I'm using ECLiPSe Version 6.0 #154 (i386_linux) ---- :- lib(ic). :- demon d/0. d :- writeln("suspension woken"). t1 :- suspend(d, 0, [X->bound], _S), X = Y. t2 :- X :: [0..100], suspend(d, 0, [X->bound, X->constrained], _S), Y :: [0..50], X = Y. t3 :- X :: [0..100], suspend(d, 0, [X->bound, X->constrained], _S), Y :: [0..100], X = Y.Received on Fri Apr 01 2011 - 15:10:59 CEST
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