Deal all, I have two questions : 1. I want to how we can have all the solution of a problem in eclipse without use the command *more *to have the next solution. 2. I have also an error in my code when I write : VitesseMaxi $::[400,450] in the following constraint : ( (VitesseMaxi $= 600 , DistanceVol #::[800, 1000], ReservoirSupp #= 300); (VitesseMaxi $::[400,450] , DistanceVol #= 1600, ReservoirSupp #= 300); (VitesseMaxi $::[400,450] , DistanceVol #= 1400, ReservoirSupp #= 200); (VitesseMaxi $= 550 , DistanceVol #:: [800,1000], ReservoirSupp #= 200); (VitesseMaxi $= [450,400] , DistanceVol #= 1200, ReservoirSupp #= 100); (VitesseMaxi $= 500 , DistanceVol #:: [800,1000], ReservoirSupp #= 100) ); Thanks for your answers.
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