Re: [eclipse-clp-users] A request on clpqr

From: Alexandre Saidi <Alexandre.Saidi_at_...37...>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 12:53:04 +0200
Hi Kish,

Le 24 sept. 2009 à 19:30, Kish Shen a écrit :

> Hi,
> Alexandre Saidi wrote:
>> Does anybody know how to obtain source code of clp(qr) ?
>> I've been using it around 1995.
>> Of course, Eclipse is here running ".pl" of clp(qr) but running clp 
>> (q)
>> or clp(r) alone on a Mac is what I want to catch !
>> Gprolog also runs clp(r) partially.
>> Bprolog calls LP for real handling.
> I am not sure I understand you completely, but the clp(qr) that
> Christian Holzbaud wrote is written in Prolog, and is distributed in
> source form for several Prolog systems, and you seem to have this.
> If you are asking for a low-level (C/C++) implementation of a  
> constraint
> solver over the real and/or rational domain, then the only one I know
> about is CLP(R), a system developed at IBM Research back in the 1990s,
> and as far as I know, this system is no longer supported. One person
> that was involved in its development is Roland Yap, and he will almost
> certainly know more about the current status of constraint solvers  
> over
> the real domain than I do -- he is apparently the maintainer for the
> CLP(R) mailing list, and you can try to subscribe to that at
> clpr-users-request_at_...189...

That's this one.

Thanks for the list address.

> The eplex library of ECLiPSe provides an interface to Mathematical
> Programming solvers which is quite flexible, and have been used for  
> many
> years now by various people. BProlog added a simple interface to the
> GLPK solver relatively recently, which seems to provide some of the
> functionality of eplex -- I assume this is what you mean by `call LP  
> for
> real handling'?

yes !

> eplex can interface to several different solver, and you
> can compile it to work with GLPK via the COIN-OR OSI interface, but we
> don't distribute such a version because GLPK has an incompatible  
> license
> with ECLiPSe, and also because alternative open source solvers such as
> COIN-OR's CLP (linear) and CBC (MIP), seem to be more efficient.

Thanks again for all that explanations.


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Alexandre Saidi
Maitre de Conférences
Ecole Centrale de Lyon-Dép. MI
Tél : 0472186530, Fax : 0472186443
Received on Fri Sep 25 2009 - 10:53:21 CEST

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