[eclipse-clp-users] ECLiPSe stream usage

From: Giuseppe Di Guglielmo <giuseppe.diguglielmo_at_...6...>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 22:40:49 +0100
Dear all,
I attached a small test. In the code, I'm trying to retrieve the result for
the submitted constraint. Why does the 'ec_queue_read' function not collect
any data from the standard output (or error)?

In the 'clp_utils.ecl' file there are some other constraints (commented)
which I submit successfully in batch mode.

To compile and run it (cmake is needed):
$ unzip eclipse_stream.zip
$ cd work
$ cmake -C ../src
$ make
$ ./solve

#include "eclipseclass.h"

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

    char buf[1024];
    int n;

    ec_set_option_int(EC_OPTION_IO, MEMORY_IO);

    ec_post_string("integer_t(U, -128, 127), (U #= 11), search_int_func( U
    // Try to uncomment this and comment previous: the following
'ec_queue_read' function retrieves Hello.  
    // ec_post_string("write(Hello)");


    while( (n = ec_queue_read(1, buf, 1024)) > 0 ) // DOES NOT WORK!
      buf[n] = 0;
      cout << "eclipse: " << buf << "\n";

#if 0
    n = ec_queue_read(2, buf, 1024);
    buf[n] = 0;
    cout << "eclipse error returned: " << buf << ".\n";



Received on Fri Feb 13 2009 - 23:10:35 CET

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